Monthly Archives: November 2021

Mini Readathon | Thanksgiving Weekend Edition

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I know I’m a day late but I always post on Fridays so I don’t really feel like it’s that late. Since I’ve been having a bit of reading slump, I decided to take advantage of the fact that I have off for the holiday and read. Here are the three books […]

Period. End of Sentence | Book & Documentary Review

This is a quick but engaging introduction to period activism. Our author, journalist Anita Diamant, discusses the various topics associated with menstruation such as shame, periods in (or more accurately not in) the media, the Tampon Tax and more. She also includes research on indigenous cultures and traditional responses from around the world, which was […]

Recently Read Children’s Books | #5

We’re back with another round of children’s books! Unlike last time, there’s no theme – just beautiful books to engage young readers! This picture book is all about observing summer using the five senses. It’s short, sweet and to the point, which is great for one-on-one reading. It looks like it is a part of […]

WWW | November

I know we just did one of these but it’s Wednesday and the reads are different – I swear! Well, they’re different except for my current read but that just means I’m on schedule! As always, WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words where you answer the following questions: 1. […]