What I Want More Of In 2019

Ah, it’s that special month again where we look back and resolve to do better for the year to come. Now that I’m twenty – four I go in and out of liking the idea of resolutions. On the one hand, they encourage self reflection and growth yet on the other hand, they can be a pressure of sorts to accomplish. That’s why, for 2019, I’m reflecting on what I want more of instead of what I can change. As far as I’m concerned a lot went right in 2018; I surrounded myself with art, continued to learn and found what makes me productive. And without further ado, here’s what I want more of in 2019:

Documentaries… I love to learn and recently found that I love documentaries. There’s something about curling up with the pups or James and zoning into a topic for an hour or two.

Twitter Mood Boards… If you follow me on Twitter (@thed0rmouse) once a week you’ll see a ‘Monday Mood’ or ‘Friday Feels’ photo compilation. This idea came from Kalyn Nicholson on YouTube and I loved doing these so they are a permanent fixture.

ASMR Videos… While I was at university I would listen to these ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) videos and they were just so soothing. Now that I have an office job I’d like to incorporate a few of my favorite ones into my work routine again.

Nonfiction Reads… It was a great year of nonfiction reads despite being out of university. I covered everything from history to self-help to memoirs and I’d love to up include more political reads.

Beauty fun… I am a person who could spend hours watching beauty tutorials and hauls and seriously never get bored. However, I am not necessarily one to play with beauty on myself but this changed in 2018 when I started finding products that worked for me and I think it’ll only become more fun.

Decluttering… Oh I went hardcore on the declutter front and that’s something I’d definitely like to continue. I also want to start imposing a ‘no buy’ so the decluttering doesn’t have to be so consistent.

Podcasts… I simply cannot get enough of podcasts, especially historical and literature based ones. I’ve stock piled a bunch of both for my alone time at work and I can’t wait!

Exercise… This may seem like a given with the ‘new year, new me’ phrase but I really got into an exercise groove. It may not have been a consistent one but it was there and I’d like it to come back.

Reading in the Mornings… At one point I was reading every morning consistently for a half an hour before getting out of bed and starting my day. It never occurred to me to read in the mornings but I loved it and want to work that back into my routine.

Well there you go, my resolutions…more like continuations for 2019. Do you have any continuations for this year? Or are you scrapping them and starting fresh?

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